Wednesday 9 July 2014

"Go Mission 365" What is it?


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The Bible says that Man’s life is numbered to 70 or 80 years at the most. If those years could be multiplied into days it would be only 25,550 days (“The length of our days is seventy years–or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away” Psalms 90:10). Our time on the earth is shorter and the longer or eternally we want to live then we have to believe in Jesus and do what he says.
Ask a question to yourself… What have I done for the sake of God in the last few years I have lived beside going to Church, giving tithe and participating in few programs….
And the answer is not so much. My dear friend God wants you to walk and live with him daily. You are created only to fulfill the purpose of the creator that is our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is in the business of working through his people to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks. God often shapes people with personality, characteristics, experiences, and training that prepare them for his purpose, and people usually have no idea what God has in store for them. God prepared and Positioned Nehemiah to accomplish one of the Bible’s “Impossible” tasks. So was Moses when God called him to lead a bunch of disobedient people. Moses had to accept the challenge and handle because it was God’s mission and God promised to be with him.
Nehemiah was a common man in a unique position. He was secure and successful as a cupbearer to the Persian king Artaxerxes. Nehemiah had little power, but had great influence. He was trusted by the king. He was also a man of God, concerned about the fate of Jerusalem.
Seventy years earlier, Zerubbabel had managed to rebuild God’s temple. Thirteen years had passed since Ezra had returned to Jerusalem and helped the people with their spiritual needs. Now Nehemiah was needed. Jerusalem’s wall was still in ruins and the news broke his heart. As he talked to God, a plan began to take form in Nehemiah’s mind about his own role in the rebuilding of the city walls. He willingly left the security of his home and job in Persia to follow God on an “impossible” mission. And the rest is history.
From beginning to end, Nehemiah prayed God’s help. He never hesitated to ask God to remember him, closing his autobiography with these words: “Remember me with favor, O my God”. Throughout the “impossible” task, Nehemiah displayed unusual leadership. The wall around Jerusalem was rebuilt in record time, despite resistance. Even Israel’s enemies grudgingly and fearfully admitted that God was with these builders. Not only that, but God worked through Nehemiah to bring about a spiritual awakening among the people of Judah.
You may not have Nehemiah’s unique abilities or feel that you are in a position where you can do anything great for God, but there are two ways you can become useful to God. First, be a person who talks to God. Welcome him into your thoughts and share yourself with him – your concerns, feelings, and dreams. Second, be a person who walks with God. Put what you learn from his Word into action. God may have an “impossible” mission that he wants to do through you. It may be a simple mission or a very difficult mission. Are you ready for God’s leading?????
Start now….. share this blog with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Google or any other email accounts you may have. It takes just few minutes to share the Gospel to millions of people by using Online social network Platforms such as Facebook, twitter and Google+ and etc..
If you share to one person today it will multiply to thousands tomorrow. We use so much of our time on social network for personal reasons but have you ever considered using it for God’s glory and saving people from hell?
It is time now for you to begin the mission…
on this blog we have been posting lot of the Gospel Tracts prepared by us and our organization. It is easy to go online and share the gospel to thousands and millions online but what about the illiterates and people who don’t know the Internet? we are also on mission to distribute tracts to these people through the help of the Church believers. We need to print and take them to streets and villages. If you are interested in doing this we would welcome your move and join us by sending your details to the email mentioned below.
You can also partner with us and pray with us for this ministry. For more details…
Contact us on: or

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