Monday 27 July 2020

Never Get So busy Making a Living that you forget to Make a Life

When your young, you focus on certain things in Life. In middle ages, you're priorities change. As you age,  they do seen very different from where you started. The most critical stage is the first one, wherein you are young, you're healthy, you're ready for the challenge, you're ready to do whatever it takes, you're up to the challenge, and you're ready to burn the midnight oil in order to get ahead.

 But one thing we will all go through is that we get so busy with trying to make a living, that we forget to live a Life of our choice. In our drive to get ahead, and to prove things to ourselves and others, we are ready to do anything to get ahead. Success seems to be only motivator, our sole goal, but only when you get to the second stage of your Life, do you realise, that you were so busy making a Living that you forget to Make a Life.

 The irony is that we realise it only after we missed the Bus of Life. But as we try to realign our priorities, understand what we value, what we really enjoy, what we really need to do, we are in the last stage of our Life. That is when we look back at Life, and the time, that we had which we didn't do what we could have done, should have spent more time, doing the things we wanted to do. It's not one of regret, but one of realisation, and about having been so busy making a Living, that we forgot to make a Life.

Your relationship with God is more important and Precious

We consider many of our relationships, with close friends, relatives, and others as very important and close and dear to our heart.  But the relationship that should be the most important is your relationship with God. We all need to find out own relationship, and a time that we come to a point that we value it more than anything else.

For some it could be a time of success or even failure, a time of great loss, or even a great turning point in your Life. For each  one, your relationship comes at particular point in your Life, a time of Gods choosing, a time where you realise that is All I need. We all have those personal  moments, where we come to a point of self realisation. Many can just go through the motions, but deep down inside, you realise that a point will come in your Life, where you need that Life altering moment, where you commit yourself to God.

 We might stray over time, but then any good relationship always brings up moments to remind you where you are in the relationship and where you need to be in it. Sometimes we need these little reminders to tell us who is in control. And that's the beauty of your relationship with God. Your never alone. This is one relationship that you need to value above all else, prioritise above else, make time above everything, only then you realise the true value of your relationship with God.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Sometimes you have to go through the worst to get the Best

We all have our rough patches in the Journey.  But as the saying goes NO PAIN,. NO GAIN. And in this instant world, we lack the greatest of qualities, Patience. We all want to see only Good times, but without experiencing rough times, we would never appreciate the good. All these disruptions, lead us to introspect into our lives, the who, the why, when, where, and how this happened. We need to be patient, and understand what we did, and realise that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It might take time, but you will reach it. Going through the worst teaches us the sweet taste of success and to be able to be appreciative of it. In our patience, there is a great deal of learning, understanding and rededication to our goal. You realignment of your ideals to achieve just that, remove the negatives, and focus on the learning. You will always remember the journey and then you will realise that your patience  paid off. Ease is a greater threat to progress than ur hardship is or ever will be to you.

Monday 20 July 2020

Happiness Is Enjoying the little things in Life

Happiness comes in small packages, not gift wrapped,  not flashy or anything like that, just simple things.  The problem is that we don't see it most of the Time. We are always looking for the Big things that we miss the little details. Earlier when we were kids, Happiness came with the simplest of things, like flying a kite, playing marbles, climbing a tree, nowadays the greatest Happiness comes in having Wifi. Ever seen your Kids expression if the Net is down when you turn it off???? Have you really??? Gone are the days of simple things,  and that has been  replaced by technology, and the likes. Its not that technology is bad, its just that our standards of Happiness, and it's derivatives have become more complicated. Sometimes, we just need to take time to smell the flowers, even that simple act can change your whole day. When was the last time you did that. Look for Happiness in the little things, not the Life altering stuff, but the simple aspects and you will realise Life in Total.

Some things Can't be taught, they must be experienced

Life is a journey, and every new day is a stop in that journey. Each day has many memories and  sadness & joy,, but such is the journey called Life. We can't learn everything by textbook or by lectures, most of it needs to be felt first hand.  The most valuable lessons are learned during this journey. You need to experience it, every aspect of it, the highs and lows. The lows will teach you why the highs are so great to experience. The sadness will teach us the true meaning of happiness. But the journey of Life is not only about the moments but the experience you get from it, the relationships you make, the bonds you forge, and the moments that really count. All these make the journey complete, the moments better, the experience worthwhile. All of it, in the end it makes all of it worthwhile. Enjoy every moment, experience it to the fullest. Live every moment and make the bonds last a lifetime. Have an awesome day ahead, and may today, be another stop in your ongoing journey.............

Be the Hand that Helps not Hurts

 Always be the Hands that Help, not Hurt, not helping is  as much as Hurting. When you Help someone, you display the Love of God in you, shown through your thought, word and deed. Helping with your outstretched hands is the only and true way to reach out to those in need. Helping someone or even a cause, is not judged by anyone and is only between you and your God. It is not the greatness of your Help, the extent of your Help, or even the amount you Help. What only matters, to God is your willingness to Help, and the purity with which you do it. Your Helping hand is not for the world to know, but the person you help to see God in you, through You and in You.There is no greater power, than that of a Helping Hand. In times of your greatest need, God has sent His Guardian Angels to cover, Help and Protect you.Likewise when you are called to Help, you are His Guardian Angel here on earth to those in need, at their times of greatest need. That's the reason God gave us two hands to stretch them out and Help.