Wednesday 22 July 2020

Sometimes you have to go through the worst to get the Best

We all have our rough patches in the Journey.  But as the saying goes NO PAIN,. NO GAIN. And in this instant world, we lack the greatest of qualities, Patience. We all want to see only Good times, but without experiencing rough times, we would never appreciate the good. All these disruptions, lead us to introspect into our lives, the who, the why, when, where, and how this happened. We need to be patient, and understand what we did, and realise that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It might take time, but you will reach it. Going through the worst teaches us the sweet taste of success and to be able to be appreciative of it. In our patience, there is a great deal of learning, understanding and rededication to our goal. You realignment of your ideals to achieve just that, remove the negatives, and focus on the learning. You will always remember the journey and then you will realise that your patience  paid off. Ease is a greater threat to progress than ur hardship is or ever will be to you.

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