Monday 20 July 2020

Happiness Is Enjoying the little things in Life

Happiness comes in small packages, not gift wrapped,  not flashy or anything like that, just simple things.  The problem is that we don't see it most of the Time. We are always looking for the Big things that we miss the little details. Earlier when we were kids, Happiness came with the simplest of things, like flying a kite, playing marbles, climbing a tree, nowadays the greatest Happiness comes in having Wifi. Ever seen your Kids expression if the Net is down when you turn it off???? Have you really??? Gone are the days of simple things,  and that has been  replaced by technology, and the likes. Its not that technology is bad, its just that our standards of Happiness, and it's derivatives have become more complicated. Sometimes, we just need to take time to smell the flowers, even that simple act can change your whole day. When was the last time you did that. Look for Happiness in the little things, not the Life altering stuff, but the simple aspects and you will realise Life in Total.

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